All websites require hosting. When you have a website or a web application that you are planning to publish on the internet so that people can access it, you will need a real server to store your web data. And you will require access to the server to publish it online. With a hosting package, […]
Want to collaborate and communicate effectively? Are you planning to invest money in a productive and faster working environment? Work quickly and efficiently, expand your income, and also have a satisfied workforce with the right collaboration tools that facilitate the exchange of information over the internet. Check out how collaboration tools empower your business by […]
Communication within the business will be effective with the right collaboration tools that suit your business needs and demands. It will be easier and faster for operations to take place in your office with modern tools, whereas, a company that fails to give the appropriate tools or even such equipment would prevent work from being […]
How are you supporting your remote employees? With a cloud solution, your data can be accessed directly from the cloud by your employee. Your employee only needs a secure connection to link to the cloud to be able to get necessary information whether they are at a branch office or on a site doing remote […]
Cloud services… are they important? In a simple description, cloud computing is all about delivering computing services such as applications, storage and processing power, where all your data and systems are stored in a separate location to ensure safety and accessibility for your teams. Definitely, the backup services, cost efficiency on running systems, scalability, remote […]
Disasters do not happen every day, but your business has to be prepared and have the right plan and strategy to recover from such an incident. You are aware of the fact that every business needs proper data backup. We are here to protect your business from disasters by ensuring effective execution and preparedness for […]
In a simple description, cloud computing is all about delivering computing services such as applications, storage and processing power via the internet on a pay-as-you-go basis. Cloud solutions, are they important? Definitely, the backup services, cost efficiency on running systems, scalability, remote access, performance and security are among the features and benefits that come with […]
It could be that disasters do not take place day by day but your business has to be prepared and has the right plan and strategy to recover from such an incident.Wear to walk you through what is required to come up with the right business continuity and disaster recovery solutions in Tanzania so that […]
Taking a reactive approach after systems break or fail is something of the past. How about relying on a proactive approach which involves upgrading systems, monitoring them and resolving issues on a routine basis?This is considered an industry standard for 21st Century Organizations. It is neither efficient nor effective to wait for systems to break […]