How a Managed Service Provider (MSP) can support your business growth
Whether it be a small or large business, managed services and network security solutions are quite substantial in the benefits they have on such firms. A business can save costs, focus on more valuable business tasks, deploy robust technologies and have a competitive advantage when partnering with a competitive Managed Service Provider (MSP). Several companies that we have offered them Managed Services and Network Security solutions in Tanzania have noticed a notable difference in the impact these solutions have had on their organizations.
Technology integration and the need of fortifying a firmâs network security are part of the priorities for any modern organization that wants to effectively serve its customers, meet stakeholdersâ needs and grow as a business in terms of services offered. Through this article, we point out what a business can expect for hiring a Managed Service Provider.
1. Saving costs
The Managed Service Provider can help save costs to a business through its expertise as well as reduce expenses involved when a business handles IT infrastructure internally. The MSPâs expertise can help the business by implementing direct strategies and solutions that work and not going for try-and-error scenarios on finding which solution works and which does not. This is possible due to MSPâs experience over the years in serving similar industries and businesses.
Not only MSPâs expertise can help the business save costs but also the MSPâs infrastructure will so do. A small or large business can decide to go for an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solution whereby the MSP can allow a business to use its Infrastructure in exchange for a certain fee paid after a certain period.
A business whether large or small that decides to choose an internal team to manage its IT infrastructure should be ready for unexpected overheads and time-consuming tasks. The business will also need to be ready to employ more employees as more specific tech skills are required.
These challenges can be circumvented by a business going for a Managed Service Provider to manage its IT infrastructure, network and data.
2. Deviate your focus to more lucrative activities
Since your business aims to grow and reach its targets, enough focus and time need to be dedicated to activities that put your firm on the map. Your business must be heedful of activities that generate more value for your business. This is why you need an MSP so that you can free yourself from worrying about technology management as you will be comfortable knowing that an MSP got your back.
An MSP ensures your infrastructure is secured, your applications are running smoothly, makes sure you can connect and communicate without difficulties and does continuous support on your premises to make sure you worry less when it comes to technology by delivering the best tech solutions for you to excel in doing what you do best in your business.
3. MSP infrastructure investment
MSP does not only offer skills to its clients but also offers the necessary Infrastructure as the project requires. Once the client chooses to use MSPâs robust infrastructure for cloud or networking, the client is in a position of utilizing an infrastructure that supports daily business activities.
MSPâs infrastructure is well designed and built by experts and is likely built in a way to accommodate more than one client with different needs. This is such an advantage for a business where they donât have to go through any challenges related to designing and deploying a stable infrastructure.
The client here benefits in not less than two ways whereby the client can benefit on:
- Utilizing MSPâs infrastructure that is already built. The business only needs to plug and play and start using an infrastructure that has been tested and robust in its security.
- The business also gets to benefit from utilizing an infrastructure that does not cost the business much upfront and can continue to reap the benefits from the infrastructure as it gets updated now and then without worrying about how to update it as it is covered by the MSP.
4. Disaster Control and Recovery
You donât want to be in a position where one-hour downtime costs you not less than $5,000 as a small business and if you are a big business you could face almost not less than $300,000. Disaster incidences can cost an organization a fortune especially when there are no backup and disaster recovery solutions on standby.
Cloud Infrastructure can be a good solution to such incidences. Having a backup of your data in cloud servers will help you continue running your day-to-day operations even though your main servers (internal or remote) are not in operation.
Read more about Business continuity and disaster recovery in Tanzania
5. Centralized Infrastructure Management
One MSP managing all your infrastructure and premises does help in having intact synchronization between all branches and seamless operation of all hardware and software as one. It also makes it easy to collect important business information that can support decision-making in the organization. For example, you can be able to know what customers like most and make a decision on supplying more of what the customers want. This eventually helps the business grow.
Having all these benefits from a Managed Service Provider, a business can notice the difference between considering an MSP or not. Significant changes can be noticed in how the business does its day-to-day operations, the output they produce and how it better serves its clients.
Further reading Why a business cannot survive without secure, reliable connectivity